Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dance, Drama, and a Little Bit More

I've been looking up some videos on less popular sites than Youtube and have had some success.
Vimeo showed me a video of a group in England that was getting ready to do a musical adaptation of Hunchback--  That was an interesting take on the story from a modern British perspective.

Another video I found ( is a modern retelling of the story by nonprofessional, school aged kids that looked like they had nothing better to do with their time.  This one is not great quality, longer, and really kind of weird, but it is still a good depiction of how people today would retell the story so it applied to our time.

In addition, here's a trailer for a modern, gothic stage performance: as well as a trailer for what looks to be a movie  Both are interesting (the first being rather creepy looking), but the second looks more promising than the first.

This last one from Vimeo is my favorite that I found.  It is a ballet adaption of The Hunchback of Notre Dame's Esmeralda.  It is really quite beautiful, and definitely not something I expected to find.  The art, dance, and music bring a totally new dimension, and evokes a new set of emotions.
It turns out there is a much larger video industry than what can only be found on Youtube:)

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