Ok, new terminology coming your way. To anyone following my research process, I have used the terms "multiple primary texts" and "you can't read in isolation" several times. I realize there is some ambiguity to this. I will combine the two ideas now with a new term: "social text."
What is a social text?
A text social and can't be isolated in two ways: because you read in correlation with other people (i.e. posting on Goodreads, talking about the book with friends, texting, posting on Facebook/Twitter, etc.)
The second way a text is social is that it operates within a system of several modems. A text does not operate as only a textual book: there are a score of different ways through art, film, music, drama, etc. that a textual book operates.
It is this combination of elements, this social text, that should be studied into the classroom.
The idea of an isolated reader is gone, both in reference to the reader himself and the text. Neither can exist in isolation.
I will elaborate more on these points in my paper, which I now need to start working on. I just thought I'd throw some of these ideas out there as a preface to some newly constructed ideas in my work.
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