Friday, April 27, 2012

BYU-I Learning Model

Ok, so in my Eng295 class, we are looking into the methods of the BYU-I learning model.  The first in the three step process is to prepare: spiritually, individually, and as a group.  I have always been an advocate of gospel-inspired learning.  I have always found that consistent and daily scripture reading and praying to my Heavenly Father have given me added strength and understanding even when it comes to secular subjects.  My Lord and Savior is willing to bless me in things both spiritual and temporal, and as the Learning Model says, "faith in the Lord Jesus Christ [is] a principle of power", so why not seek his aid, guidance, and power in my formal education?
Sharing my knowledge and teaching others is also important because I know my knowledge and understanding of a subject can help others and better focus their learning.  I have had the opportunity to tutor different individuals who were struggling.  That is one of the most rewarding feelings to be directly involved in another student's learning and to directly help them understand new material, etc.  By doing so, I not only helped their understanding, but greatly increased my own understanding and insight into the subject.  On several occasions, I have also been the one helped.  I took a math class in high school that I really struggled in, but there was always someone ready and willing to help me and because of their help I was able to battle with those numbers, conquer the concepts, and come out with a good grade in the class.
I am also an advocate of comprehensive learning.  I like to go through all my notes at the end of a unit and connect the old material with the new.  I love bringing what I learn out of the classroom and into my everyday life.  I love talking to my family and friends about what I have learned, engage in intellectual discussions, and go to other sources to gain more insight into a certain subject.  Learning Russian for example, has been a challenge, but the benefits came when I could talk to my uncle on a whim in Russian and listen to Russian music and actually understand what they were saying.
All of these principles are important and useful to individual learning and benefit my life in and out of the classroom.

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